Calling The Bottom

Ok, it’s official, the bottom is in.

Once something hits the cover of Time, you know it’s over. (at least temporarily)

I swear, if the S&P 500 can break above 1020 I’m jumping in. (maybe just a little toe’s worth)

PS – October 22nd – two and a half weeks later – the S&P still has not broken above 1020 – I guess we are still searching for the bottom – Oh My.


Baby Zoe

Baby Zoe


The Little Duck

We were watching a film last night called “How To Cook Your Life” about Zen Master Chef Edward Espe Brown. In it was a poem by Donald Babcock that I liked a lot:

The Little Duck

Now we are ready to look at something pretty special.
It is a duck riding the ocean a hundred feet beyond the surf,
And he cuddles in the swells.
There is a big heaving in the Atlantic.
And he is part of it.
He can rest while the Atlantic heaves, because he rests in the Atlantic.
Probably he doesn’t know how large the ocean is.
And neither do you.
But he realizes it.
And what does he do, I ask you.
He sits down in it.
He reposes in the immediate as if it were infinity – which it is.
That is religion, and the duck has it.
I like the little duck.
He doesn’t know much.
But he has religion.


Image of the Day


Quote of the Day

What you are looking for is who is looking – Saint Francis of Assisi


Henny Youngman would have been proud

The best one-liner I’ve heard in awhile…

I Googled “Bob Saget” and it came back “Why?” – Gilbert Gottfried


Quote of the Day

If they are too big to fail, make them smaller. – former Nixon Treasury Secretary George Shultz


Quote of the Day

Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. – Immanuel Kant


You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows

One windy day two monks were arguing about a flapping banner. The first said, “I say the banner is moving, not the wind.” The second said, “I say the wind is moving, not the banner.” A third monk passed by and said, “The wind is not moving. The banner is not moving. Your minds are moving.” – Zen Parable


Quote of the Day

One of the biggest flaws in the common conception of the future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create. – Michael Anissimov


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